Sound X SX-VP 500 Volume Pedal


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The Volume Pedal Soundx SXVP500 from Kalyani Musicals is known for its amazing quality. 

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SKU: 1217 Category:


The Sound X SX-VP 500 Volume Pedal is a versatile and essential accessory for guitarists and other instrumentalists seeking precise control over their volume levels. Designed with a durable construction, this volume pedal offers smooth and accurate volume swells and fades, allowing musicians to add dynamic expression to their performances. The SX-VP 500 features an adjustable pedal tension, allowing users to customize the resistance to their preference. It also includes an input and output jack for seamless integration into any pedalboard or audio setup. The pedal’s passive design ensures transparent signal transfer without coloration or tone loss. With its compact size and reliable performance, the Sound X SX-VP 500 Volume Pedal is an excellent choice for musicians looking to enhance their live or studio sound. Buy Sound X SX-VP 500 Volume Pedal online from Kalyani Musicals.


  • Enables precise volume swells and fades for expressive performances.
  • Built to withstand the demands of gigging and touring musicians.
  • Customizable resistance for personalized playing feel.
  • Allows for easy integration into pedalboards or audio setups.
  • Transparent signal transfer without affecting the tone or coloration.
  • Fits well in any pedalboard setup.
  • Ensures consistent volume control in various playing environments.
  • Enhances the dynamic range and expressiveness of instrumental performances.
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